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5 min read
Loss of the Artful Nude
I am a storyteller -- by nature and by profession. It is what I am and what I do. Truth be told, I have a catalogue of life stories that...
3 min read
A distinguished gentleman
Gerry Charron was a distinguished man, a man of high achievement. When he was still at a very tender age, Gerry took over the family...
3 min read
Call me Rocky
For most of my life, I’ve been a pretty determined fellow. That has not always served me well, however. Take the time when I was nine....
5 min read
Cold, and damn cold
Maybe you’ve heard of Stockholm Syndrome. If you haven’t, I’ll do my best to explain it here without going into minute — and thus, boring...
4 min read
Sunday Newspapers
Newspapers have been in financial difficulty for about as long as my recent memory can recall. Not all newspapers, of course. Most of the...
4 min read
This is the eulogy I wrote for my former father-in-law, who died in November 2010 in Dundas, Ontario: My thanks to the family for giving...
3 min read
My cousin Lyell
As you grow older, the people you’ve known since childhood grow fewer in number. Certainly you expect to lose those dear souls who first...
3 min read
Pit Martin
Many of us have had our encounters with celebrities doing things you don’t normally think celebrities do. Defining what constitutes a...
4 min read
Saving Shannon
A life without burdens is a life without regrets — and we all have regrets, no matter what Frank Sinatra said. No adult is that carefree....
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